Thank you for a sweet Mother's Day.
It was Mother's Day yesterday in America. I am forever grateful for my sweet Mother and her gracious and beautiful way. Thank you so much for your calls and notes! It made me think of the word 'Hesed' that Prophet Nelson introduced as he spoke about Heavenly Father's love a while back. I looked up more about that word. John Oswalt, a theologian, described the word and my feelings this way: "Hesed is a completely undeserved kindness and generosity." I am so humbled when I listen to the words of the song that Amy wrote just for me (music, voice, video, lyrics and all) (The four-daughter-zoom because you all wanted to share her video with me together was such a wonderful surprise!) I had to use my dress hem to wipe away my tears last night. Thank you. I am adding her lyrics here so I will have them recorded forever. I will use them as a pattern to follow and someday I will be more like the person you believe I can be. We all have a few days here and there when we need a reminder to keep on-- keeping on... Thank you to each one of you for being my reminders...
Our friends took us for a real P-Day excursion! What beautiful artwork we saw as we wonder at the blessings and beautiful details that Our Savior scatters around the world just to make us happy.
Elder Bogdanov (Italy) is being transfered this week and Elder Venencia (Angola) is
staying. We have such an appreciation for these young missionaries. (a fun note: Elder Bogdanov is the great grandson of the Italian man who found a Book of Mormon in a trashcan but took years to know it's name without a cover. I think you may like the video: "How Rare a Posession'. Ok, much to do this week as we try to keep up with our blessings. We love this work. We love the variety. We love each of you and hope you recognize the Hand of The Lord in Your Life daily.
Thank you again for yesterday and forever...