Tender Mercies and Miracles
Sunday morning in Ponta Delgada, when Grandpa learned that he was to teach the Gospel Doctrine class in Sunday School (RIGHT NOW!) he quickly stood up and gave a wonderful lesson. So many participated as we felt the words in the Thirteen Article of Faith and what they mean in our lives. I wondered at the composure he had as the lesson unfolded beautifully as if he had been preparing all week. And then the thought came to me...that he had. As we study the scriptures daily, and try our best to understand and apply them...we are prepared to share our joy anytime, anywhere.
...and then on the very same Sunday afternoon, after Sacrament meeting, and just as Sunday School was about to start in Ribera Grande (other part of the island), Maura, came over to give me a hug. She wanted me to teach Primary. What? And I followed her into the Primary room and with chalk, markers, and scriptures we had a nice visit together. We talked about the promises that we made at Baptism, about how important promises are and how Heavenly Father loves to help us, and so he gives us love notes daily in the scriptures. We read about our promises in The Book of Mormon. As she gave our closing prayer...my heart was full and I was taught once again.
We were walking past a park week before last and stopped to talk to a young lady as she was sitting on a bench watching her young daughter play on the lawn there. We asked her if she believed in God and she confided that she used to but she is not sure anymore. And then we learned that she is from Ukraine and her husband is still fighting in the war there and some of her family is there. She was so kind and said she isn't sure about anything right now. We learned that she is an artist and I asked if she could send me her information as I would like to see some of her work. That evening when we got home, I saw that she had asked me to be her friend on facebook.
On the Introduction page of the Book of Mormon, we are promised that a blessing of reading this book will give us more peace in this life and knowledge of how to obtain salvation in the next...(third paragraph, half way through). But how to help her obtain this peace troubled my heart and was included in our prayers. She does not know any Portuguese and can speak some English, but is not fluent. We have Boxes of Portuguese Books of Mormon, and a couple in English. And then the elders came the very next day for lunch.
They come every Sunday for lunch, (this Sunday we celebrated Elder Burnham's Birthday), so having lunch together is normal, but what they brought to us is not. It was a miracle! They handed us a Book of Mormon in the Ukrainian language. Elder Alvey said they opened the closet at the church (where they keep their supplies and they go there often so they were surprised), but this time, this used Ukrainian Book of Mormon was just sitting there. He said they have no idea where it came from.
We met with Kateryna as soon as we could make an appointment. I asked her to bring some of her artwork for me to see and told her that we have a gift for her! We met again at the park as she said there are too many people in her home to be able to visit (I think there may be 12 or 14 people crowded in a very small rental). It was so good to see her at exactly the appointed time. We asked how she was doing and shared about the miracle and the promise of a daily pause of peace even in the middle of all the world is doing... and she read the promise in her own language! We shared with her that Heavenly Father knows her, loves her, and somehow has sent her this book. We don't know when or if she will partake, but, in her timing, I think she will. She gave me a hug and thanked us for such a gift. I wiped away a little tear and asked her to show us some of her work.
We cannot know each others stories completely here on earth. But we can know that every person has a story. Hopes, dreams, trials, fears, disappointments, questions, and wonders. We can know that everyone has smiles and that everyone has tears. And we can know that Heavenly Father knows and loves us personally. He will answer our prayers when we are ready to listen. And we can know that love is a universal language that we can all give to each other.
We are thankful for the technology that let us know when Brooke came out of her emergency endoscopy surgery right in the middle of a branch council meeting. And for your prayers and the sweet prayers of those in the meeting that don't even know Brooke. We all belong to each other and like Brooke responded when you all asked if she is ok..."Sore, Very sore! But I will be ok! I will not offer unto the Lord my God, that which does cost me nothing!" (and she is teaching early morning Seminary this morning). Tender Mercies and Miracles are everywhere and we are thankful forever.
Make a good week! We love you!