Plan of Happiness!

Elders Nascimento (Brasil) and Bogdanov (Italy) went to Sete Cidades (Seven Cities) a week ago with a branch member and came back with photos of the fog only!  It settles in quickly sometimes. We wanted them to have photos of this beautiful island so on this last Preparation Day we took them back and we got there just before the clouds filled the whole area.  Timing is important in everything!  I think they will love all of the photo memories! (I'll share two) Such a fun day with these great young men.

The day was a splendid gift and even the ducks showed up in their tux and ties for us!

The tiles in Portugal are amazing.  One could spend so much time discovering just that one subject, let alone the castles on the mainland and the beaches and libraries!!!  Fascinating!  We pass this tiled home on our way back from our visits with Olinda and Lourdes.

 Waiting at the registo in Ribeiro Grande.  Getting family records for Donaria and for Dulce.

Lucia invited us for Lunch.  She is the recently called Relief Society President and is wonderful.  

Years ago, Maria da Paz and Bernadino made Malasadas to sell to afford a trip to the Temple. Even now, she gets up at 4 am every Thursday to make the (scone-like) Melasadas to earn money to help the family.  It was fun to take the missionaries so we could all learn how to make them!  

It is so fun to teach the plan of Happiness to our friends.  We got to teach it 3 times this week.  I asked Grandpa to take a photo of Maria Cabral and I...but when he took my phone to take the photo he said, "Point to where you want to be forever!"  And Maria and I both pointed to the Celestial Circle!  

Another great evening with this beautiful family.  We taught the Plan of Savation lesson this week and they asked profound questions.  We really enjoy our visits with them.  We teach in Portuguese but this evening as we were leaving, we heard Victor yell down from the balcony:  "Good Night!"

We are Thankful for The Plan of Happiness and especially the part about 'Families can be together forever!'  Make a great week.  We sure do Love You!


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