Members returning!

A good week with finding.  

 Jose had his surgery and is doing good.  He lives alone, like many, as his family all moved to Canada years ago.. 

  Seminary Days are so good.  We wish more youth would come!  

 A visit with Donaria is so enjoyable.  She is always making beautiful things. Her house is up for sale.  It is beautiful with 7 bedrooms.  She said she wants to move closer to the church.  We hope she will.  We miss her when she is not there.

We invited a young man from Hungary to have lunch with us after church on Sunday.  We all enjoyed learning about his conversion story.  His hope is to go to BYU-Idaho.  Three of our young missionaries are being transferred tomorrow.  Elder Nascimento will stay on the island.  Transfers are difficult because we love the missionaries, but it is always nice to meet new elders as our hearts expand. 

A Relief Society activity was enjoyed by all this week!
And a Branch Ativity prepared by the Relief Society turned out great! Inspiring and very fun! 
When we first arrived on the island, the missionaries were preparing an ativity each week, but it takes time to prepare and many times it was just missionaries and not many from the branch. It makes more sense for the branch to be involved.  Next week the Young Women will prepare it!  More people will end up coming and the missionaries can bring friends.  Win! Win!

Twice a week we teach self sufficiency lessons to families.  There are so many wonderful lessons on for families.  Classes on Building a Business, investing our time, emotional resilience, financial management and many more. The booklets and manuels used are succint, inspired, and interesting.  Each class includes 12 lessons.  Great for families everywhere!



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