Just Singing in the Rains!

Amazing sheets of Rain have filled our week and our shoes!  We do not have snow but even so we are praying for a 'White Christmas' as Irineu and Suzileide are praying this week about Baptism.  We love this sweet family.  Laura (just returning to church) met Suzileide one Sunday at Church and already they have become friends.  Both Laura and Suzileide have to work most days as do their husbands.  When Laura texted to tell me that she was in the hospital, I texted Suzileide to invite her to pray for Laura with us.  She replied quickly and said that she had to work from 9 am to 11 pm, but when she got home she would gladly pray for Laura.  This world is so full of really good people.

We had a great District meeting this week.  Most of it was online with the other Elders here and the missionaries on Terceira Island as well. The District meetings always end with the Mission Song!

 Our visits have been dripping wet and yet people let us in.  Mostly in the doorways...as this week we are meeting new people and finding lost members.  We love to invite them back. There is something tender about the way they share their baptism memories with us.  Hearts are softened when we talk about Jesus. As the world combines darker, the Gospel of Jesus Christ will only shine brighter!  

Sister Resendes made some of these for the fair in Santana.  
I love seeing the beautiful handwork of the sisters here.  
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!

I love this poem from a Brailian poet, Cora Coralina, (pseudonim for: Anna Lins dos Guimaraes Peixoto Bretas) who published her first book in 1965 when she was about 76 years old.

"Make your house a party! Listen to music, sing, dance... Make your house a temple! Pray, meditate, ask, be grateful... Make your house a school! Read, write, draw, paint, study, learn, teach...Make your house a shoppe! Clean, tidy, organize, decorate, move places, separate to donate...Make your house a restaurant! Cook, taste, create, cultivate, plant... Finally... Make your home a creative place of love." 

  Make a great week!   with Great Love, Grandpa and Grandma

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