Another great week...

Colors and Beauty surround us as we walk around Evora.  Exquisite details teach and train us. 

Trying to be present as we go ... gifts us with guidance and gratitude. 

I Love Alma 37:37   

  We visited the Archives in Beja this week.  We got to visit with the Director there.  She recognized our badges as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is connected to Family Search and helps digitize records all over the world to connect families. The Director spent good time with us and we thanked her for the important work she is doing.  She said she wasn't sure how important it was, but she was happy to help.  She wondered why Family Search invested so much time and money in helping others with their records.  We began by explaining how important families are to Heavenly Father.  As we visited she began to ask questions.  We had her read the last two verses of the Old Testament and asked her what she thought they meant.  Then we showed her the plan of Salvation illustrations.  She asked more questions.  She said she had never thought about all the people that have lived on earth that never have heard about Jesus Christ. If Baptism is necessary how are they to be saved?  We explained then...about why Temples are important and how we can perform proxy ordinances, like baptism, for our ancestors who can choose to accept or reject our effort to help them toward salvation.  We love that with Heavenly Father's Plan...Not one soul will be left out of the choice to be welcomed in to The Savior's fold.  The importance of her work and why the records are so vital to us became more evident to her. She had never thought about it like that before.   

 Storks perch in huge nests getting 'a bird's eye view' as we travel from one 'branch' to another. I think it would be fun to have a nice camera and take time filming these amazing birds, but for now it is a quick snapshop here and there out the car window as we fly by!  

We love how neighbors will come out to help us try to find addresses in their areas.  There are so many good people that want to help us figure out where we're going...until we want to help them figure out where they are going that is! Ha!  We Love the people here.  They are generally very kind!

I especially love this photo.  We have been to this family's home before, but the parents are not interested, so when we passed by today, the 12 and 10 year olds, and their little cousin saw us and came running.  They asked if they could see the movie that we had told them about weeks earlier.  It's a 19 minute movie called 'The First Vision'.  We talked to their Mother and we will return to show it to the family on Tuesday...but for today a sneak preview and a chance to rest a moment, was just right. 

WillGenilson Vera Cruz (Will) is such a happy and positive young man.  
Elder Caetano and Elder Carter are teaching him.  
It was so fun to have him attend our Young Adult activity Saturday.

Sheila is a chef at a Restaurant in Beja and it was fun to see her in action.  
Delicious too!

We Love You!  Grandpa Jay and Grandma K

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