This week's smiles...

We were able to attend the Lisbon Temple again!  This time with our Evora Branch!  

On the bus coming home from the Temple, we received a text from Hercinio wanting Grandpa to meet with him to go over his first talk..  Elders Delaney and Caetano received a note from Antero who wanted to meet because he had some questions.  So we arranged for Grandpa to meet with Hercinio early in the morning, and we stopped at the church to meet with Antero as the elders wanted us there.  However, Antero had friends with him and so it was quickly decided that the friends could watch the First Vision (19 minute movie) while the visit with Antero could still take place in another room. 

I watched the movie with the friends and then began to visit with them about the movie and the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We talked about the Priesthood being restored to the earth.  About the dispensations of time...thus, the need for the restoration.  Arlindo (the man with the red shirt) asked if I could pray for his eyes. They were red and scratchy. He was having a difficult time.  I explained about blessings and faith and we visited about Priesthood Power. I asked if he might want a blessing.  I could not turn off the TV with the remote, (I am not so good with technology!) but a New Testament (very short video) came up and it was about when Jesus cured the blind man. They were intent. After that video, I asked if they wanted to watch more or if they would like me to tell them about the Priesthood and about Heavenly Father's plan.  They wanted to hear about the plan...and so they helped me turn off the TV.  I brought out my little illustrations of the Plan of Happiness and taught the 2nd discussion.  Then I invited them to church the next day just as Grandpa and the elders came into the room. I mentioned to Grandpa that Arlindo may want a blessing.  It was a tender and quiet moment when Grandpa explained about what a Priesthood blessing means and what great faith is, as he asked the elders to annoint and bless Arlindo.  Yesterday both of Antero's friends came to church, even though Antero was unable to come.  Arlindo said that his eyes felt better and he had slept all night!

For me, a great highlight of the week was that Paula, my friend just the floor down from us in this apt. came to church with us!  She even helped me teach my lesson in Relief Society.  I had given her a conference talk lesson days earlier and asked her to read a little part and explain it.  

On Tuesday, I saw Paula hemming some clothes out in her garage, so I went out to visit about the lesson and when I came up our long skinny driveway there was Maina with her husband Raphael and their little girls.  Grandpa and I had met them the last Friday, and I wanted to visit more but we had an appointment with Vadinho to help him with his computer, so I was thrilled that Maina was right there again!  (They were visiting with their friends who live near us), 

I met her husband and asked if they could come in to visit with us.  Raphael said that they didn't have time as they were just there waiting for a taxi to come take them to a bus.  But, then he said that I could pray for them.  I said: Now?  and he replied, Yes.  So I did.  I prayed right there on the sidewalk for them.  I know I needed help and we were running out of time.  Then the thought came and I said, "Can you call the Taxi and ask them to come later?"  Raphael looked at Maina and told her to call the taxi.  She called and the taxi was on its way...but she told the taxi driver that she had an interview and to come in 2 and 1/2 hours instead so they could take the late bus!

When Grandpa opened the door to 5 people, I think he was a bit surprised, but we had a great 2 1/2 hour visit!  We had a small frozen pizza that I put in the oven for 10 minutes, and a banana for the baby hoping they wouldn't be too hungry as they still had a taxi and bus ride to go. We love teaching people who know their scriptures.  They have good questions and love learning how the pieces fit together.  Raphael wanted Grandpa's whatspp number and we have stayed in touch.  On our way to Beja Friday we detoured just a little bit to visit this sweet family again. The most difficult thing about Evora is that families can't afford a place here and so they have to move farther out and with no car...we have many who cannot attend church and the buses don't run on Sundays.  But, we will continue to teach them when we can get there and online when we can't. 

Other sweet highlights:  After 3 months and 7 trys we finally found the Fernandes family home. We went again last night, but their sons said they might be late so we should try Sat. at 2 pm! 

Hercinio gave his first talk yesterday. He mentioned how he was walking to Pingo Doce (grocery store) and as we came down the sidewalk toward him and stopped to talk, he said that very moment changed his life forever as he began learning about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. He shared his testmony and told of  his gratitude for Heavenly Father's plan.  Moments like that change my life forever as I witness such humility and the light that comes into a life right in front of my eyes. Grandpa was happy to confer him to the Aaronic Priesthood and ordain him as a Priest. 

When Church began President Samuel asked me to come share my thoughts about going to the Temple. 

It amazes me how much Heavenly Father helps me with Portuguese when I don't have time to prepare.  Like the impromptu lessons with Antero's friends last Saturday evening, the invitation to share my testimony about the Temple right at the moment, visiting with and praying with the family on the sidewalk, teaching Relief Society with the sisters who were understanding and responding.  It is something I cannot take for granted and seems a new gift each time.  With great reverence, I stand all amazed...

   We Love you all so much and hope your week is wonderful.   

 with great love Mom and Dad, Grandma K and Grandpa J

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