Meet Vadinho N`Sumbo
We have not met Vadinho's 3 year old son nor his beautiful wife, Ana, but we know that Vadinho loves his family. He is here in Portugal getting his Master's degree in the medical field to bless his family back home in Guinea-Bissau. Vadinho had heard about the church in Lisbon on his way to Evora and wanted to know more. The young missionaries in Evora began teaching him and after attending church, Vadinho wanted to know even more. When Elder Delaney and Elder Caetano tested positive for covid (and of course were quarantined) they asked us if we would help teach the remaining lessons to Vadinho. What a wonderful experience to teach this young man with his profound questions. When we told him that he needed to pray about the things we were teaching to get his own answer, he was amazed that he could know from Heavenly Father for himself and he asked how it is done. It is a treasure to know that you can just pray from your heart. Vadinho's first prayer touched ours.
I took this photo of him to send to his family on our walk past his student apartment after church yesterday. He had received the gift of The Holy Ghost to complete his baptism from last evening. What joy for us to spend time with this intelligent man that has humbled himself in his search to find truth. We are strenthened as we witness the goodness of pure faith and feel of the kindness and committment of people from every background. He cannot wait to share The Gospel of Jesus Christ with his family.
As you know, we met Djeison, and Djodo in Cape Verde many years ago. Grandpa helped them fill out their mission papers and now fast forward 7 years and they are students in Portugal and Saturday they were giving the talks at Vadinho's Baptism. They teach the gospel with their whole hearts and we feel blessed to be able to spend time with them again.
There are so many interesting conversations in life... and
there are also conversations that change our lives.