Happy Brand New 2022!

Meet Maria Isabel Ribeiro.  We finally found her.  She is so delightful. Using her walking sticks to go back into her home, she brought out her well worn scriptures and her many hand-written notes. Due to covid and her age, she has been studying on her own and her eyes lit up to see our missionary badges! 
We met Sonia and her adorable son.  She lives about an hour away by car in Portalegre. She was so happy to know that she can meet on zoom with the branch here each week.  I learn so much from these faithful people.

We met Maria Amelia Catarro on our 5th try at finding her home. Due to an accident, she cannot hear and so the timing was just right as she was outside hanging clothes and saw us. She was so happy to see members of her branch.  It is difficult for the older people to walk the long cobblestone walk into the city to church. Everyone lights up when they feel loved!
What another wonderful surprise to see Jason again!  He and Djodjo are both young men that we love from Cape Verde. He has come to study here and will be a great help to our branch. The government has shut down schools  and the businesses this week due to a covid spike.  (including the university where they are students) so they will help us and the young elders here to find lost members this week! (As Missionaries, we cannot go into homes and must teach outside or at the Church with masks on until the 9th of January at least.)  But, that will not stop our steps!

We love our Branch President Samuel Santos and his sweet wife Camela and their family!  He has such great faith and hope.  We are thankful to know them.  They are blessed to have a car as they live about 45 minutes away.  .

This map shows the areas we have been asked to help with.  The white lines show our branch of Evora. This branch goes to the border of Spain.  The other branch below is in Beja.  It also borders Spain. The area is very large and seems impossible but we know that if we tie our shoes and try our best, that Heavenly Father will guide our steps.  

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