Perspective is a precious gift. I thought about it Saturday as Emanuelly and I were coloring. Her father was visiting with the Missionaries. Some weeks can be discouraging on a mission...and I thought about our week and about how perspective changes everything if we try to see things through child eyes. Well, that...and if you always carry some colored markers in your bag!
Grandpa has the gift of resilience and doesn't give disappointment even a particle place in his path.
We left early Thursday morning while the shadows shortened slowly in the pre-dawn hours. After much preparation we were excited to set up our Family History booth at the Santana farmer's maket type fair. We waited for the Director to show us the exact spot he had promised, but when he finally did arrive...he shared with us that the committee had decided that our booth would not be permitted in this venue after-all. He felt bad but the decision was made and so we thanked him for his consideration and time and put our preparations back in the car. I knew it was hard for Grandpa as he had designed and purchased a large sign, bought a table and folding chairs, rolled up the cords, the speakers, our I-pads, laptop, and had them all sitting by the door the night before, with videos selected on each one to help anyone who wanted to learn about their families or forever...for free!
But, you know Grandpa, he just said, Hey, we are already here-let's buy some of the vegetables from the farmers and some scones from Maria da Paz and then we'll take a road trip! (that means we will go find members that forgot they are!) and so off we went on a different adventure than the day we had planned. We went to the far side of the island and found information as well as members and made notes for President Resendes.
As we were just about to leave an area that evening where we had been checking addresses and knocking on doors, we saw one more name that Grandpa had put on our map. We had the name of the road, but no number. We started walking down the long road when Grandpa said, "I put the marker on this house for some reason...let's go check it out". And that's when we met Donaria. She was so gracious and welcomed us in her beautiful home. She was as surprised as we were that we found her and she shared with us her story and why she had not come to church for over a year. She had been through so much and when we asked if there was something we could do to help her...she quietly said, "Just pray for me". I wondered if she would like a blessing because I have felt such peace after receiving one at difficult times in my life and she said she would like that. Before we left, I told her that I would save her a seat on Sunday.
On Sunday, I wanted everyone to welcome Donaria and showed her photo to the Relief Society President and to Bernadino who stands by the door before the meeting started. I kept turning back to look at the door (missionaries do that!)...and after the Sacrament hymn that 'disappointment thing' wanted to creep in...but I turned to look at the door one more time and there she was...and she came and sat down next to me with the usual kiss on both cheeks and then The Sacrament Prayer began...followed by a nice Testimony meeting and a Relief Society lesson. I am so thankful for these experiences and for the undeniable fact that all we have to do is get out our colored markers, put on a smile, tie up our shoe laces, love people, and try...and Heavenly Father makes it work right on time. That has to be the right perspective---because it is true!
We hope for you many 'road trips' (Plan B)s- the kind that turn disappointment days into happy days!
Better days than we could have planned on purpose!