

"In some quiet way, the expression and feelings of gratitude have a wonderful cleansing or healing
 nature.  Gratitude brings warmth to the giver and the receiver alike."   Elder Robert D. Hales

1st Thessalonians chapter 5 is amazing the whole way through for our day, but for today, verse 18:
"In Everything Give THANKS: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."

Mariah has decided to be baptized this coming Saturday.  Yesterday in Church, she leaned over and whispered to me that she has decided who she wants to baptize her.  "That's Wonderful!"  I whispered back.  Then she said, "Eu quero você senhora. (I want you).  I gave her a big hug and a tiny lesson about Priesthood keys! 
How very thankful I am that Heavenly Father has order in His Kingdom and that each of us has a  magnificent part as we partake of the wholeness of His Blessings. 

(update: Nov. 24th, the young elders were able to view one of the world cup games with another investigator and so we were blessed to share the pre-baptism lesson with Mariah, her mother, father, and her father's mother who is visiting.  We talked more about the Priesthood keys, the Word of Wisdom, the law of Chastity, the laws of Tithings and Offerings, keeping the Sabbath Day, and Serving Others. As we visited about the commandments, we all read and talked about the promises that come with each one. 

Its fun to learn with and from the people we teach.  Mariah was so sweet and straightforward with us about her desire to make her life better and to follow Our Savior. Her parents were happy to know that they can prepare to attend the Temple.

 Keeping the commandments with glad obedience allows blessings to fill our hearts and lives in a different way than just knowing 'about them' can.

We attended a Super Seminary/Institute activity on Saturday.  It was fun to see how much the young people know about the scriptures.  Many do not have transportation to come as often as they would the lessons are online as well.  We are thankful for dedicated leaders and teachers.  

The young missionaries on our island come to lunch each week after our Sunday we had our -  kind of - sort of - 'Thanksgiving meal' yesterday.  Elder Burnham is from Canada where they celebrate Thanksgiving in October. Elder Alvey is from Utah and he likes potatoes almost as much as I do. Elder Brolim from Brasil had his first Thanksgiving meal and he ate and ate and he really liked his first try at stuffing alot!  We made tons of scones as well and Elder Nascimento (Brasil) wanted to know how to make the honey butter. They ate a big crockpot full of turkey and dressing, and a big cake pan full of potatoes and another full to over stacking of scones, and even ate almost all of the broccoli and cauliflower. (I thought about Thanksgiving at home and about Tiffany's pumpkin dessert and Grandpa's gravy, and about the thousands of pies and rolls that we all make!)  But, we had cake instead because it was an investigator's Birthday and that took precidence over pies and time.  

On our way to take the Birthday cake, I thought about the blessings of having food to eat and shelter to sleep in at night. Those are things many cannot take for granted.  My thoughts went to thankfulness in being able to help others by paying fast offerings and making humanitarian donations.  We are thankful that the Church helps many people all around the world during difficult times.  We are thankful to have the health to serve a mission.  Grateful for Prophets and Scriptures, Prayer and Revelation.  

I am thankful for my companion.  He is a wonderful missionary!  Though we met at age 16, I am still amazed, even yet, at his abilities and diligence.

We are thankful for good leaders who minister to the one and to many ones. 

We are thankful for the blessing of reading the scriptures each week with Carlos.

We took the young elders since we had just finished one of their visits and we didn't want to be late for our visit with Carlos.  At one point, he told the elders how blessed they are to have the gospel in their lives while they are young.  He said that until he was baptized, (a few weeks back), he didn't have direction, but now he has purpose and unexplained energy and life makes sense.  As we were ready to go, Grandpa reminded him that we would help him prepare his family names to take to the Temple.  

The Spirit in the room was so beautiful and a long pause held our reverence 
as Carlos put his head in his hands... and just wept.  

After a few moments, he looked up and told us about his father and how much he missed and loved him.  He wiped another tear as he told us about what a good man his father was and how he always helped Carlos, "but he never learned about The Gospel of Jesus Christ and now:
I can do something for him."
Grandpa and I are thankful for so many many things that Heavenly Father has prepared for each of us. Among our favorite blessings and at the top of most of our prayers and pleading is the love we have for each of you.  We Miss You.  We are forever Grateful and Thankful for you. We Love you!

                                         Have the Best kind of Thanks Giving ever!!!  Love!

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