That which we Love Most...


This is a photo of a small stone that I keep in my top dresser drawer.  Grandpa was in college, so I would often paint rocks for gifts. I was penning the letters on this one while waiting in the doctor's office.  I used my 8 months along 'table-self' to hold the stone while I wrote the words and our (almost to be born baby!!!), kicked enough that the letters were not as crisp as I wanted for a I just kept this one.  These simple words have become profound to me as the years tumble over each other quickly.

This week we have been out finding members who have 'forgotten' they were. Many tender mercies happen, like people just "happening by" that knew the person who moved far away that (used to) live in a house that (used to) be right here, but is now a parking lot...OR a neighbor "just happened" to be out hanging clothes and knew that their neighbor whom we were looking for had passed away years ago.  Sometimes we talk to many neighbors in our search. And we smile at the detailed help that saves time as we search for more 'ones'.  We look hoping that people don't feel alone, or to find out that they no longer live in an area and it will save the branch and the missionaries hours of finding over and over. 

Jose called to ask for missionaries to visit him.  He said that things in his life went so good when he was paying his tithing years ago, and he wants to pay tithing again.  He took his ear-rings out right then and set them on the arm of his couch and he said, "It is time to come back."  He wants to quit smoking (we told him that he can come back as is. No need to be finished, because Heavenly Father loves all of us right where we are and His great happiness is to help us along.  As for the rest of us, we should never, ever judge or frame a wet painting. (Including our own portraits). It is only our Savior's part to decide when to put a frame around each masterpiece. 

We witness the love Heavenly Father has for the one, a sister sleeping on cardboard on her bedroom floor and we found a twin bed size cushion, a new pillow and blanket to keep her warm and going back the next day to see that even the tiniest things are magnified in the hearts of his children when they feel His love. (a simple quick card from the night before was taped to the wall in the main room).  

A highlight for me this week was that we were able to teach our neighbor friend about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  What a precious time together.  And we were able to teach a 20 year old Mathematics Student from Brasil a second lesson, which made Grandpa very happy. Of course, there are many rejections, disappointments, efforts, and ideas, as we visit and teach and try to reach, (like today when 2 appointments fell through). but even more miracles that lift each discouragement away. 

We love Missionary work and it is true: "that which we love most...becomes part of us.

I will turn 70 in 4 days! (amazing to be so old, but I kinda like it!) and being older makes me reflect on just how much we each do decide what matters to us most.  As we have witnessed the love, warmth and warnings of another wonderful General Conference, I realize just how much the words of The Scriptures, the words of The Prophets and Apostles, and the quiet whisperings of The Holy Ghost are such a blessing and important part of the things that matter to us most. 

You must always know that your sweet families are in our prayers throughout each day.   Because you are what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about for us.  We know that Families can decide to be forever together.  That brings us great Joy!

Grandpa and I just love you all and each so much,  YOU are the brightest part of us!

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