Kindness and Many Meetings

We came home late last night from Beja.  When we walked into our apt/home, I received a text from our neighbor, Paula.  She asked if we were home yet?  She is going through a rough time and when she found that we were home, soon a little knock on our door, and there was my friend with warm banana cake for us.  We visited in the stairwell and I saw tears at her sadness.  I gave her a big hug and we cried together. Some days we all feel to cry.  Most days we see Paula's smile:

   People were kind to say that they enjoyed our talks in the Beja Branch.  Over 40 people came to the meeting!  We are working in Beja now as well as Evora. We spent our day out searching for lost members after a nice visit and meal at President Paulo Santo's home with his beautiful family. 

The elders in Beja had a transfer and also an appointment to teach Lidia.  She had also attended church in Evora 2 weeks previously and so we already knew her. We were so happy to go to Beja on Friday to teach The Plan of Happiness.  Sunday, we returned and she sat by me in Relief Society and participated with all of the women there.  She texted such a sweet thank you after our visit.  Love this young woman!   (adding this sweet Update: March 30th: Lidia sent this on Whatsapp:  "I've just met you, but you all have a special place in my heart.")  That's the same way we feel about her!   

Evora Branch Conference followed by a Luncheon on the ping pong table!  We got to meet our Stake President and he gave a wonderful talk as did Presidente Samuel from our Branch. (March 20th)

Saturday night, March 26th, we had an Activity in Evora, President Moreira, a counselor to President Barcellos (Mission President) came to give an Institute class on zoom.  He is testing a pilot program to see if it will work for the Institute program in Europe where they go to teach at a site and then transmit the class to the other locations.  They chose Evora to begin the test. He gave a wonderful class.  Five investigators attended as well, participated, and enjoyed his lesson about the Israelites and the wandering in the wilderness. 

District Meeting (March 24), we had a District meeting in Beja.
We will miss Elder Anderson in this transfer (with the red tie)-Grandpa calls him Elder Point-Guard!

 Too many things to talk about this week. But, we are meeting some wonderful people and trying to do what we can to help here.  Thank you for all that you are doing there in your families.  We sure do love you!  Make a Nice Week.  Conference this Saturday and Sunday!!!  Get your caramels and apples  ready for the delcious, nutritious words!  With Great Love, Grandpa and Grandma

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