
Showing posts from February, 2023

We Love these wonderful brothers and sisters!

Mariah's friend Caroline is taking the lessons now! A branch activity was prepared by the young women this week.  Donaria did a great job! Grandpa helping again and again to prepare the youth for their trip to the Temple in April. Our Youth Activity was yesterday and everyone had a nice time!  Mariana is capable, punctual, and very enjoyable to work with!  I was given the calling of President of The Young Women in the Azores, (only possible with the help of sweet 18 year old Mariana, our activities counselor!).    We meet over zoom often. She lives on the island of Terceira and came to be with us for our special ativity on Saturday.  We all loved her powerpoint presentation about the 2023 Youth theme.  Our youth are amazing and make great leaders.  Donaria (Sao Miguel Island) and Nisa (Terceira island)  are the Presidents of the young women in their branches and they are also wonderful to work with and so easy to love. Pedro, Simeon, and Pres...

Members returning!

A good week with finding.    Jose had his surgery and is doing good.  He lives alone, like many, as his family all moved to Canada years ago..    Seminary Days are so good.  We wish more youth would come!    A visit with Donaria is so enjoyable.  She is always making beautiful things. Her house is up for sale.  It is beautiful with 7 bedrooms.  She said she wants to move closer to the church.  We hope she will.  We miss her when she is not there. We invited a young man from Hungary to have lunch with us after church on Sunday.  We all enjoyed learning about his conversion story.  His hope is to go to BYU-Idaho.  Three of our young missionaries are being transferred tomorrow.  Elder Nascimento will stay on the island.  Transfers are difficult because we love the missionaries, but it is always nice to meet new elders as our hearts expand.  A Relief Society activity was enjoyed by all t...

A long week...but a Sweet Trip!

Some days and even into a week this time...are hurry up and wait days...not every day in our lives is our very favorite. some days are just plain hard.  But, the good thing is Heavenly Father has blessed us with time on this earth and so "it came to pass..." really means that things will be better soon!  And a fresh morning or two is a gift! And perfect timing for a trip to Porto for another Zone Conference with our Mission President and Sister Barcellos.  They gave such inspired talks and trainings on Friday.   We sure do love them! We got there a few hours earlier than previous trips and it was so nice to see Porto in the daylight.  The rose in Grandpa's hand is a Filbert ice cream cone for me! Plus, he took me to the Lello Bookstore.  What an amazing visit!   We met a sweet lady on the metro.  When she saw our badges, she was very excited to tell us that all of her children were members of The Church of Jesus Christ!...

Great Examples...

President Resendes of the Ponata Delgada Branch. So busy with work, home, family, yet arrives to help the youth with their own family search inbetween a very busy work schedule,  He lives 25 minutes from the church by car. Donaria, The young Womens' President.  She has been a member for just over a year and 1/2.  She hugs the whole world and each young woman with her way. To hear her speak is like hearing a poem with every inflection of voice to hold your heart and attention. Random:  The afternoon before my Father's funeral was spent trying to find a dress. My Mother and Sisters always look so beautiful and I wanted to do my best. Shopping for clothes is one of my least favorite things to do...and always the last thing I think of and so I wandered in and out of stores trying to focus, with no success.   (I remember when Aunt Maxine came the night before I was to speak at BYU-I Education Week.  She brought me three outfits on hangers from her closet an...