
Showing posts from December, 2022

What a Wonderful Christmas!

All around the world children are sharing the Nativity story in their homes. Our spirits smiled at the star of the Primary program, as this young child played the part perfectly in the Sao Miguel Branch Christmas party! The Azoreans are kind and we were treated to a wonderful meal on Christmas eve and another on Christmas Day. Christmas morning, Grandpa gave a talk about our Savior. I love listening to his testimony in Portuguese. He talked about those who had room for Jesus, those who believed the Prophets and waited, and those who because of faith got to see Him. And then, likened that time to ours as we prepare for His Second Coming. Carlos gave a talk (his very first one) and even though nervous and even though he had left his notes home, he gave such a sweet testimony of the things he is learning since his recent baptism. We had a zoom with Tanya after church.  She is trying to get courage to give a talk and wanted to practice it in front of us... so she will be ready when it'...

What Can I Offer?

And the child grew,  and became strong in spirit,  full of wisdom;  and the grace of God was upon Him And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature,  and in favour with God and man. What can I offer Him?  The King of Kings!                                                                My Savior and  Redeemer Bread of Life Lord Creator Son of the Living God Only Begotten Son Beloved Son Holy One of Israel Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace King of Kings Head of the Church The Almighty Alpha and Omega Master King of the Jews High Priest Prophet Teacher Immanuel Advocate Mediator Judge Chief Cornerstone Author and Finisher of Our Faith Lamb of God Good Shepherd The Shepherd and Bishop of Souls The Word Fountain of Living Water...

Just Singing in the Rains!

Amazing sheets of Rain have filled our week and our shoes!  We do not have snow but even so we are praying for a 'White Christmas' as Irineu and Suzileide are praying this week about Baptism.  We love this sweet family.  Laura (just returning to church) met Suzileide one Sunday at Church and already they have become friends.  Both Laura and Suzileide have to work most days as do their husbands.  When Laura texted to tell me that she was in the hospital, I texted Suzileide to invite her to pray for Laura with us.  She replied quickly and said that she had to work from 9 am to 11 pm, but when she got home she would gladly pray for Laura.  This world is so full of really good people. We had a great District meeting this week.  Most of it was online with the other Elders here and the missionaries on Terceira Island as well. The District meetings always end with the Mission Song!  Our visits have been dripping wet and yet people let us in.  M...

Winding our way this week...

Weaving our way in and out of the narrow roads and mazes of this beautiful place and wonderful people, driving from Ponta delgada to Ribeira Grande, Rabo de Peixe, Santana, or Pico de Pedra, etc. etc. and back home again...give us time to reflect on the many blessings that we witness  in the lives of those whose faith sustains and honors them. We are learning so much as we come and go. The Branch Presidency enjoying refreshments right before The Leadership Counsel Meeting       We were invited to go to the weekly fair (like a farmer's market) by some of the sisters in the Ponta Delgada Branch and we keep thinking we will and then an appointment or visit takes precidence.  We were happy to go finally this past Thursday.  It was so fun to see Maria da Paz and Augusta selling their baked goods and Rogeria selling her beautiful crochet items. Then we got thinking that maybe we could open a Family History Information booth!  The people are already gathered ...