
Showing posts from October, 2022

Tender Mercies and Miracles

Sunday morning in Ponta Delgada, when Grandpa learned that he was to teach the Gospel Doctrine class in Sunday School (RIGHT NOW!) he quickly stood up and gave a wonderful lesson.  So many participated as we felt the words in the Thirteen Article of Faith and what they mean in our lives.  I wondered at the composure he had as the lesson unfolded beautifully as if he had been preparing all week.  And then the thought came to me...that he had.  As we study the scriptures daily, and try our best to understand and apply them...we are prepared to share our joy anytime, anywhere. ...and then on the very same Sunday afternoon, after Sacrament meeting, and just as Sunday School was about to start in Ribera Grande (other part of the island), Maura, came over to give me a hug.  She wanted me to teach Primary.  What?  And I followed her into the Primary room and with chalk, markers, and scriptures we had a nice visit together.  We talked about the promises t...

If nothing changes...nothing changes

    Change is an important part of life.  Kinda why we're here.  It is so exciting to learn new things and to give others encouragement as they learn and grow as well. Luke 2:52 shares that our Savior grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.  None of us land on top knowing everything, but we can choose to change and become better as we follow our Savior.   I love when we learn from children because they are direct and open hearted.  With in seconds of Grandpa being asked to come sit on the stand as a counselor in the Ponta Delgada Branch Presidency, sweet Laura, age 9, came to sit in his empty chair next to me.  And her simple act of love changed my busy morning mode and made me want to be present and kind to others all day as well.    I think Heavenly Father knows that we all need to see the world through new eyes and so He gives us families. There is something about being a grandparent that is impossible to d...

The Right Keys

  Tiago spent 5 hours with us one afternoon last week as we were walking around meeting new people.  The key to missionary work is to visit with everyone. Having the right keys is important!  It sure helps to get into our apartment or to drive the car.  The key to having police and firemen smile is banana cake. The key to Joy is a faith in Jesus Christ and understanding that He can help us become better than we are.  The Priesthood keys are to bless us with each step we take toward understanding our Savior's love.  Keys only work when we do something with them. The key to friendship is being one.  Hannah, (right), lives in Utah.  Her father is a professor at BYU.  They are here again this week on vacation.  She is best friends with Julia (left), who is just waiting for her parents to give her permission to become baptized in a couple of years when she turns 18. Julia's mother also came to church.  Both of these young women have such...

Fresh Starts and New Beginnings!

What a special day for these two friends.  We were sitting at the kitchen table with Carlos, Elder Phelps and Elder Brolim in Carlos' home, when Carlos (right), called to ask his friend Paulo if he would be willing to baptize him on Saturday.  There was a pause.  Then we heard Carlos repeat that yes, he really was getting baptized.  And yes, he wanted Paulo to baptize him. Paulo had first introduced his friend to the Church of Jesus Christ many years ago.  On Saturday, Paulo said, "This was the first time that I have baptized someone."  New beginnings for both. Paulo's wife, Patricia, gave the opening prayer at the baptism. It meant alot for her to see her husband participating in this important ordinance. When I asked if she was going to be baptized next, she smiled, gave me a hug, and said, 'Maybe!'   It was such  sweet day.       After the Baptism, as they prepared to leave, Paulo (right) is still holding Carlos' Baptism pro...


  We are THANKFUL for a Prophet!  What an outpouring of love this conference has been for all of us. When President Nelson closed the conference with his words of love for each of us, we wiped our eyes and wondered how long we will yet be blessed to hear his warm words of warning and inspired counsel. Prophet words are profound. We do not take for granted the greatness of the gift he is in our lives.  We are THANKFUL for our health and for this time we have to serve together.  We are thankful for our family and for the miracle of internet and getting to watch Jase play football during a televised game til' 3 in the morning.  He was born during our mission to Porto-Alegre, Brasil, he was baptized as we were leaving for our mission to Cape Verde, and now as a senior in high school, he will be putting in his mission papers just before we get home from our mission in Portugal. Within minutes of his victory, we are able to send a virtual thumbs up and tell him that w...